My pleasure. Create raving fans. Cows. Three random things that have made a little chicken restaurant from Georgia one of the most popular restaurant chains in the world.

Chick-fil-A does an amazing job of creating raving fans of chicken. That’s cool. At Next Level we want to create raving fans of Jesus. As great as chicken is, it can’t compete with Jesus.

On March 20th we will be hosting leadership training for all Next Level volunteers. We are honored to have Kevin Harrison, owner/operator of two Chick-Fil-A restaurants, as our guest speaker. Kevin will share with us insights that will help us take our volunteer positions to the next level.

Chick-fil-A chicken will be provided so come prepared to eat. We will also have childcare available. The cost is free but registration is required.

This is a volunteer event that you will not want to miss. To register, click here.