Vision statement: Love Jesus, love people, and make a difference.
Core Values:
- Start With God, And The Rest Will Follow
- It’s God’s Kingdom, Not Ours
- You Can’t Do Life Alone
- Disciples Disciple
- Authenticity Matters
- We Take Next Steps
- We Go the 2nd Mile
Love Jesus:
Next Level was started on April 8, 2012. Our pastor, Rob Shepherd, had a vision to start a church that focused on building Jesus’ kingdom. A team of 60 people helped start the church. Within a few weeks that number reached an average attendance of 133. That includes kids and we count pregnant people twice. I kid, I kid.
Everything we do points back to helping people love Jesus. It’s through Jesus that we can find life. People often ask who our audience is as a church. Our audience is Jesus. Everything that we do goes back to honoring Him. From our Tots to our adults we want people to be radically changed in Jesus.
Love People:
People matter. People matter a lot to God. We value relationships at Next Level.
The first step for adults to get connected at Next Level is to sign up for and attend Pizza with the Pastor.
Tots and Kids:
Preschoolers and Kids are people as well, so we care a great deal about them. We offer age appropriate teaching for our Tots (birth – Kindergarten) and Kids (first grade through fifth grade). For more information on Next Level Tots and Kids click here.
A lot of parents might disagree but teenagers are people and not monsters. Before becoming the Lead Pastor at Next Level, Rob, was a youth pastor for 15 years.
We want students to experience God on Sundays like everyone else, and encourage them to join us in our worship & teaching time. We also encourage students to join a volunteer team and learn what it means to serve others.
Wednesday nights at 6:30pm is our time for students to have their own service and to spend time worshiping God with people their own age. They’ll sing praises to Jesus, learn what scripture says and how to apply it to their lives, and discuss the Bible in small groups. For more info, check out our students page here.
Make A Difference:
Each month we partner with a local or global organization to make a practical difference in the world. We do this because Jesus has changed us. We want to represent Him well by showing love to the least of these. For more information about Make A Difference click here.