Giving online is safe and secure. You can give with an eCheck or Credit Card. Whether you want to submit a single donation or would like to set up scheduled giving, you can now do it all online.
Giving online is amazing because…
- You can create one or multiple schedule(s) that fit your lifestyle
- Edit or Delete any scheduled donation at any time
- View previous contributions
Click the button below to set up regular contributions or to give one time.
Non-Cash Giving
You don’t have to limit your giving to dollars and cents. We can accept stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares. Fill out the Stock Donation Form and we’ll be in contact to help complete your donation.
Another way you can give to Next Level Church is by taking advantage of the AmazonSmile program when you make your regular purchases through Amazon. All you need to do is go to smile.amazon.com and log into your account. Once there, you will be asked to choose your charitable organization. After you choose Next Level Church at the Yorktown VA location, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of your purchases to Next Level. AmazonSmile will remember your selection for future purchases, but for your purchase to be eligible for donation, you MUST shop from smile.amazon.com. You can bookmark that site for easy access or just remember to log on to smile.amazon.com every time you shop with Amazon.