Holy 30 is a 30-day challenge to ignite your faith and focus on God!


Commit to doing the following for 30 days:

1)  Pray 3 times a day

One of these prayers should focus on an unchurched friend or family member. Specifically, ask that God will give you an opportunity to invite them to church.

2)  Read the Bible daily

As a church, we will be going through “Lord, Hear Our Cry”” on YouVersion. You are welcome to join us or pick your own Bible reading plan. The key is to read the Bible for 30 days in a row.

3)  Fast one time a week

Christian fasting is the act of intentionally abstaining from food or a regularly enjoyed good gift from God to focus on a period of spiritual growth and deepening our relationship with God. When fasting, we humbly deny the flesh to focus on and glorify God, become more in tune with His Spirit, and go deeper in our prayer life. Isaiah tells us that fasting loosens the chains of injustice, unties the cords of the yoke, sets the oppressed free, and breaks every yoke. He also tells us that when we turn away from our own flesh and blood, the Lord’s light will break like the dawn and His healing will quickly appear (Isaiah 58:6,8). Pick one day, or meal to fast from weekly. There are three types of fasts in the Scriptures:

  1. Standard Fast: No food, only water or liquids. In Matthew 4:2 we find Jesus being tempted in the wilderness while He fasted for 40 days with only water.
  2. Partial Fast: No choice foods or meats. At their own requests, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendigo in Daniel 1: 8-16 refrained from eating anything but vegetables and water.
  3. Total Fast: No food or drink. In Exodus 34:28 and Acts 9:9, Moses and Paul didn’t eat food or drink. If medically a fast is not an option you can pick another option like social media, television etc. The goal is to lean on God in the time period you would normally be doing the other activity.

4)  Read for 10 minutes a day

For 10 minutes a day, read a book to inspire spiritual growth. We recommend Transformative Gospel by Doug Garasic. You can purchase a copy on Sunday mornings or by clicking here. Some other options include: Not A Fan by Kyle Idleman, Gospel by JD Greear, or The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living as if He Doesn’t Exist by Craig Groeschel.

5)  Attend a weekly prayer gathering

Prayer is not our last resort, but our first defense. Whether you consider yourself a prayer warrior or a prayer novice, you won’t want to miss our weekly prayer gatherings. Each prayer gathering will last an hour and will include worship, a devotion, guided time of prayer (we provide a guide to help you know what to pray for and how to pray) and conclude with corporate prayer (praying together as a group).


Prayer gatherings will take place on Saturdays at 7am every Saturday during the Holy 30 Challenge (January 11, 18, 25, and February 1). We ask that every Owner attend each week. There is no childcare, but kids are welcome and we will have prayer/activity guides for them as well.