Rescue Sunday

August 13, 2023

Scripture teaches that every time Jesus taught, He told a parable. Today, movies are the parables of our lives. Hit play, grab some popcorn, and buckle up to discover some…
Scripture teaches that every time Jesus taught, He told a parable. Today, movies are the parables of our lives. Grab your bible or favorite bible app and buckle up to…
Today, we need to depend on Jesus more than ever. Our hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus and His righteousness.
Sunday is a great chance for you to bring your questions about God, the Bible, faith, and life. During this service, Pastor Rob answered your questions live and on the…
“Scriptorting” is misquoting the Bible to say something it doesn’t say, thus giving a non-Biblical statement of authority. For Christians, the Bible is our authority, but how well do we…