“Scriptorting” is misquoting the Bible to say something it doesn’t say, thus giving a non-Biblical statement of authority. For Christians, the Bible is our authority, but how well do we…
“Scriptorting” is misquoting the Bible to say something it doesn’t say, thus giving a non-Biblical statement of authority. For Christians, the Bible is our authority, but how well do we…
“That’s not fair” is one of the earliest phrases we learn as humans. The response parents often give to that line is, “Life’s not fair.” For Christians, that is only…
“That’s not fair” is one of the earliest phrases we learn as humans. The response parents often give to that line is, “Life’s not fair.” For Christians, that is only…
“That’s not fair” is one of the earliest phrases we learn as humans. The response parents often give to that line is, “Life’s not fair.” For Christians, that is only…
Pastor Mark Batterson points out, “NEGATIVITY is more than an attitude issue; it’s a spiritual issue. It could cost you forty years and keep you out of the Promised Land.”…